Equiano and the Enlightenment

Equiano and the Enlightenment

This walk feature activist, writer and journalist Olaudah Equiano and his association with the Lunar Society in Soho, Handsworth. Equiano, a former slave, published a memoir of his life and the terrible, unjustifiable things that happened while enslaved - “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavas Cassa, the African”.

During his time, the ‘Enlightenment’ can be described as a period of movement away from a primitive superstitious state, to higher thinking and learning towards an improved state of progress. It was a time when equal rights and ethics were being refined.

Ironically, the enlightenment was also the peak of African slave trade in Europe and the New World, with the transatlantic slave trade beginning in 1551. So-called Christian slave traders treated Africans poorly and justified their work because the slaves were introduced to Christianity through being enslaved by their enlightened Christian ‘master’.

This tour focuses on the British biases towards African culture, Birmingham’s link to the transatlantic slave trade and the contradiction and hypocrisy of Birmingham’s facilitation of the ‘Enlightenment’. This project was funded by the Lunar Society. 


Lunar Society








Guided Tours

When are the walks taking place? 

Black Heritage Walks Network will be hosting  exclusive free Equiano Tour  and exhibition as part of Birmingham Heritage Week on Saturday 10th September 2022 at Soho House Museum, 13:00hrs-15:00hrs 


For more information about Black Heritage Walks Network, please  contact blackheritagewalksnetwork@gmaill.com

To find out more about the  Birmingham Heritage Week and other tours in your area (9th -18th September 2022, please visit: Birmingham Heritage Week - 9-18 September 2022


Youth Engagement 'Pop Up' Exhibition 

Black Heritage Walks Network have engaged with local schools and work experience students to develop a 'pop up' Equiano exhibition featuring the journey of Equiano, based on a History & Citizenship education pack produced by The Equiano Project. The exhibition features local youth interpretation, including essay's, poetry and art, of following areas:-

  • Equiano's Africa 
  • Equiano and the Middle Passage 
  • Equiano the Sailor 
  • Equiano in the West Indies 
  • Equiano the Adventurer

The 'pop up exhibition will be features at Soho House Museum during Birmingham Heritage Week, 9th -18th September 2022. 

If you are a school or an out of school setting and interested in showcasing the Equiano 'Pop Up' exhibition, please email blackheritagewalksnetwork@gmail.com













Book Tickets - scroll to view more

  • Yupp
  • Covid safe travels
  • Naturally Birmingham
  • Enterprise holdings
  • Naturally Birmingham
  • mclaughlin and harvey
  • Digital welcome
  • NHLF
  • Heritage Compass organisation
  • Heritage Open Days Newwave
  • Bounce Back
  • Lunar Society
  • National academy for Social Prescribing
  • United by Birmingham
  • Birmingham City Council