
NETWORK Training

Black Heritage Network Training 


Are you interested in Black Heritage? Would you like to set up a heritage walk in your area? Or do you already have a walk and want to become part of the network? 

We provide bespoke training for any individual or group who is interested in setting up a walk in their community. Our training is provides the tools and building blocks to develop a walk, regardless of ethnic background 

Our training includes: 

Lunar Triangle

Lunar Triangle 

A new project featuring a stories of Commonwealth communities affected by the Transatlantic Trade Triangle and its link to the industrial and economic development of Birmingham.

The project initially focused on ‘The Golden Boys’ Statue - Boulton, Murdoch & Watt by William Bloye, as a result of uprisings due to the 2020 Black Lives Matter campaign, which questions the impact  of colonial heroes on people of colour and their validity in 21st Century Britain. 

Black Sporting Heroes

The West Midlands has a large number of sporting venues that have a historic connection not only to the wider West Midland sporting region but also to the Commonwealth Games 2022. Black Heritage Walks Network provides unique trail showcasing sporting heroes from the perspective of the African Caribbean community. 

There has been a wealth of sporting heroes from football to cricket to athletics. Our sporting heroes tour provides an opportunity celebrate the contribution and legacy of the black community to UK's magnificent sporting heritage.

Heritage Education - History of street art

Our ground breaking heritage education project for 12 -18 year olds exploring the history of street art, its link to the Black Arts Movement, Hip Hop and its relevance to Black heritage and culture.

This heritage education programme consists of a series of 4 workshops, showcasing prominent street artists, such as the legendary Jean Michel Basquiat. 

The workshops are interactive, allowing participants to practice neo expressionist art and develop their own abstracts and social commentary, which are incorporated into local street artworks.

Social Prescribing

Black Heritage Walks Network is an approved provider for The National Academy for Social Prescribing Thriving Communities programme. This is a new national support programme for voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups, supporting communities impacted by COVID -19 and health inequalities.

Walking Bus Tour (Commonwealth Games)

Black Heritage Walks Network holds walks and pop-up events that enable cross-cultural discussions about the past, current and future, including the heritage of those with a Commonwealth identity. The network tackles business enterprise and health inequalities. The organisation works with local elders from a commonwealth background, who become role models for young and hard to reach people. 

  • Yupp
  • Covid safe travels
  • Naturally Birmingham
  • Enterprise holdings
  • Naturally Birmingham
  • mclaughlin and harvey
  • Digital welcome
  • NHLF
  • Heritage Compass organisation
  • Heritage Open Days Newwave
  • Bounce Back
  • Lunar Society
  • National academy for Social Prescribing
  • United by Birmingham
  • Birmingham City Council